Friday, November 06, 2009

BAGAKOAA; November 5 (actually the 6th) , 2009 Who’s your daddy?


November 5 (actually the 6th) , 2009 Who’s your daddy?

Sorry I had this prepared for last night but was not feeling too well.  A Bowl of Cheerios (I own GIS), and in bed by 9:00PM

Who’s your daddy? How about your great grand daddy. How about the address where your GGgrand father lived in 1893? Cool? Well I have been into Genealogy, (Thanks Dennis) for about 22 years. I have watched on line genealogical website come into mainstream genealogical work and I can tell there is none better than

They had a an IPO today which worked real well for them. They raised 100 million and will use the proceeds to pay donw some debt and continue investing in DNA projects and digitization of even more records. There should be a surge in this hobby as we get into 2011 as a new set of records, the 1940 census will be put on line. My generation is getting older but living longer. This is a very popular hobby and internet based searches makes it easy and fun.

I got in today, (Not on the preliminary as shcwab did not have a piece), but bought in at 14.75. I do not know all the financials as of yet. I know the company, the product and the management team, and for now that is good enough for me. I think we are looking at a 24-26 dollar stock by mid year 2010.

Salve Lucrum


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