Monday, November 02, 2009

BAGAKOAA November 2, 2009 Back in the market again


November 2, 2009 Back in the market again

As I mentioned, I have changed my trailing stop strategy. I also added a few positions last night and was success in getting to most of them. Just to keep you up to speed.

I have added to my positions in ID and FLIR.

I have added to my positions in Intel, now one of my top 5 holdings.

Got back in AAPL, not as large a position but I will be adding to it over time. Dumbest thing I ever did was to stop out of that entire position. Please read my post about the change I have made in stop strategies, as it might be helpful.

Added to my VXX which is a Barclays ETN following the VIX Volatility trade.

I increased my position of Verizon

I added to American Tower. We are hoping for nice report tomorrow morning. The estimate is 17 cents I am hoping for 22. We’ll see. They are the predominant cell tower builder in many markets.

I started a position in Flowserve today. Please see the blog from Sunday regarding FLS, HON, and PFH. You’ll see why I liked it.

On the drop in value I added to SQM.

There are a few holdings I am worried about in this crazy market, (why I bought VXX), such as BKE, fabulous brand well run company so why is it down almost 6% since I got in? I am down 11.25% on MTNOY, the south African cell provider. I will take a look tonight and probably get out. This is well below my 8% rule. I am breaking the rule for CHU, China Unicom. I have set a stop at 15% down instead of 8%. We should wait and see what if anything a month of selling the iPhone will do for this stock. It is the second largest cell provider in China. It should pay out well for them.

Salve Lucrum

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